
Sharptop 2014

Friday, February 27, 2015

I just wanna hang out

'I just wanna hang out.' This is something that I've been saying since I was a sophomore in College. When people ask me what I really want.... or what I wanna do; that's the thought that pops into my head. Not because I'm lazy, or because I just don't want to do anything. But because I genuinely love just hanging out with people. We can be doing something, driving around, or just sitting there together reading a book or watching Netflix. Hanging out is just something that I truly love. 

When I blew my knee out my jr. year of college, I was unable to play soccer my SR. year. Before every game we would sit in the locker room before games and give a personal goal for the game and a team goal for the game. I remember before the first game, when it was my turn to say something. I remember being really sad, frustrated, angry, but also at a loss of words. I wasn't going to play... not even a chance... didn't even have a uniform... What is my goal???!!! I can't say have a shut out. I can't say own the box. I can't say communicate well in the back.... I can't say anything that has to do with my physical ability to play. So what did I say... "My Goal tonight... Is to hang out well." And that was my goal the rest of the season. I felt like I became a pro at hanging out. Building relationships. Talking about Life. Listening to conversations. And thinking about what is going on in my own life. 

And that's still what I love to do. I Love to just Hang out. Everywhere I am... hanging out. 
Last night one of my friends that is a senior at EP came over at around 8:30... We made dinner together... and literally just hung out all night. She didn't leave until around 12:15. We talked about our lives, watched youtube videos, laughed, listened, sat, ate....and Just hung out. 

So that's what I love about my job. I get to just hang out with my HS friends. I get to listen to them for hours. I get to learn alongside of them what it looks like to follow Jesus together. And it's incredible. And I wouldn't trade what I do for anything in the world. I've been blessed... and I know it. Now that my girls are Seniors... I'm starting to get a little sad. These girls that I've been hanging out with since I moved here... are all moving on. It's kind of bittersweet. I'm gonna miss having the girls over like Ericka to sit and talk about life... but I guess I'll now get to do that with a whole different group of girls... 

And just get to Hang Out

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